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BrainTap 🧠🎧Tap Into Your Best Self 💥

"Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Rest assured, I only recommend products or services that I genuinely believe will add value to you, my readers. I have been using Brain Tap myself for over 2 years and can honestly say I could not be without it now!

The quality of your life is directly related to the fitness of your brain.

Using Brain Tap has been an absolute game-changer for me! I heard about his app on the Life Stylist podcast when Luke Storey interviewed the founder Dr. Patrick Porter, and straight after listening to it, I downloaded the app and tried it. I feel sharper now than I did when I was like 20! 

The BrainTap system uses your mobile device, paired with the BrainTap headset or headphones of your choice, to deliver a full suite of sessions that range across desired outcomes and tap into different neural pathways in your brain. BrainTap gently guides the brain from fight-or flight state into deep relaxation, naturally restoring the parasympathetic balance, which is often all that's needed to achieve mental harmony, better health, and an exceptional quality of life.

I love it because I'm not good at meditating or just sitting and clearing space in my mind. It's like a guided meditation but with loads more benefits. I use it now at least once a day, but if I can, do three sessions a day - one-morning session just as you are waking up, a power nap session - in the mid-afternoon, and one as I go to sleep. I really notice it now if I skip Brain Tap for a day, I seem to get tired quicker, it seems to inspire me too when I do a session especially mid afternoon, you know when sometimes you get a mental block!

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How BrainTap Enhances My Business Success and My Clients Business Success

As a virtual assistant and essential oils lady, my mission is to help women over 40 succeed in business. BrainTap has been an incredible asset in this journey, not just for personal well-being but also for professional excellence. The app's specialised sections for women and life mastery have been particularly beneficial, offering targeted sessions that help me achieve specific business outcomes.

Enhanced Focus and Productivity: Running a business requires a lot of mental energy and focus. BrainTap's morning sessions help me start my day with a clear and motivated mind. This is crucial for tackling my to-do list, managing client projects, and staying on top of my business strategies. The mid-day sessions are perfect for that notorious afternoon slump, giving me a much-needed boost in energy and productivity.

Creative Inspiration: One of the standout benefits I've experienced is the surge in creativity. The BrainTap sessions, especially those focused on mindset and brain balance, have a unique way of unlocking my creative potential. Whether I'm brainstorming marketing strategies for my clients or coming up with new content for my blog, these sessions help me think outside the box and deliver exceptional results.

Stress Management: Business can be stressful, especially when juggling multiple roles and responsibilities. BrainTap helps me manage stress effectively by promoting a relaxed, healing state. This not only improves my overall health but also enhances my decision-making and problem-solving skills. I find that I handle stressful situations with much more calm and clarity, which is invaluable in a business setting.

Goal Achievement: The Life Mastery sessions are a game-changer for setting and achieving business goals. I use these sessions to stay focused on my long-term objectives and maintain the discipline needed to reach them. The guided visualizations and affirmations keep me aligned with my mission, ensuring that I stay motivated and on track.

Women's Wellness: BrainTap's specialised women's section offers sessions tailored to the unique challenges women face, both personally and professionally. These sessions have been incredibly helpful in maintaining balance and harmony in my life, which directly translates to better business performance. They provide the mental and emotional support needed to thrive as a woman in business.

Client Recommendations: I always recommend my clients try BrainTap for themselves as part of their business strategy, especially if they are struggling with brain fog or lack of focus. The app’s diverse range of sessions can help them gain clarity, boost productivity, and manage stress more effectively. Many of my clients have reported significant improvements in their mental sharpness and overall well-being after incorporating BrainTap into their routine.

Incorporating BrainTap into my daily routine has been a transformative experience. It's not just about meditating or relaxing; it's about enhancing every aspect of my life and business. By integrating these sessions into my workflow, I ensure that I'm always operating at my best, ready to help my clients succeed and grow.

Enhancing BrainTap Sessions with Essential Oils

To further amplify the benefits of BrainTap, OF COURSE I love incorporating essential oils into my sessions. The use of essential oils not only creates a beautiful atmosphere but also focuses the mind and helps block out unwanted thoughts, thanks to their therapeutic aromas. The combination of BrainTap and essential oils creates a powerful sensory experience that deepens relaxation and mental clarity.

The Power of Aroma: Essential oils have a profound effect on the mind and body. When used during BrainTap sessions, their aromas can become the focal point of your concentration, helping to block out distractions and unwanted thoughts. This creates a more immersive and effective meditation experience. The therapeutic properties of essential oils also contribute to overall well-being, enhancing the benefits of each session.

Popular Oils for Meditation: While you can choose any essential oil that resonates with you, the following are particularly popular for meditation and mindfulness practices:

  • Lavender: Known for its calming and relaxing properties.

  • Frankincense: Promotes a sense of peace and spiritual grounding.

  • Cedarwood: Helps to calm and center the mind.

  • Sandalwood: Encourages deep meditation and relaxation.

  • Bergamot: Uplifts the mood and reduces stress.

  • Cypress: Enhances focus and concentration.

Creating Your Ritual: One of the most rewarding aspects of using essential oils with BrainTap is creating a personal ritual. By diffusing your favorite oils during sessions, you establish a sensory connection that your mind and body recognise. Over time, this ritual enhances the effectiveness of your sessions, as your brain associates the specific aromas with relaxation and mental clarity.

My Favorite Blends: I love experimenting with different blends to find the perfect combination for my sessions and for the different times of day when I'm doing a session. Some of my favorites include:

  • Adaptiv: A blend designed to calm and comfort - for midday/afternoon sessions.

  • Frankincense, Cypress, and Bergamot: This trio creates a balanced and grounding atmosphere - for my morning sessions.

  • Lavender and Sandalwood: For deep relaxation and inner peace - for sleep sessions.

Try mixing different oils to discover what works best for you. Many people create their own exclusive blends for BrainTap and meditation, making the experience uniquely personal and effective.

Add a few drops of your chosen oils to a diffuser.

Incorporating essential oils into your BrainTap sessions is a powerful way to enhance your mental fitness routine. The combined effects of BrainTap's guided meditations and the therapeutic properties of essential oils create a holistic experience that supports both mind and body. By establishing this ritual, you can achieve greater clarity, focus, and relaxation, making your BrainTap sessions even more beneficial.

Add BrainTap into your Daily Rituals

Creating little practices like this for yourself is a real act of self-care. Another way I use Brain Tap is to get me into the right state for my Oracle Card reading. I like to pull a card for myself at least once a day, to connect with myself, my intuition as well as some guidance from beyond 🔮. I usually use one of the InHarmony Music Meditations while I do some journaling in my beautiful Gratitude Diary to get into the right space, say a wee prayer then shuffle and pull a card. Brain Tap really helps me get to that feeling of peace ready to receive my guidance for the day or afternoon or to close my day - whichever time I'm doing it.

Check out a couple of my favourite decks ⬇️

Kyle Gray's Gateway of Light Activation Oracle was my first real Oracle Card Deck I bought myself! I was so drawn to the artwork, it's absolutely beautiful and I still use this deck quite alot. These cards have a lovely feel to them, really great quality. I use this deck for both one card readings and spreads. I love to draw one card every few days and sit it beside my bed and read the message from the guidebook, but also listen out for what else it may have to tell me. 

This Essential Oils Oracle Cards deck is one of my favourite decks to work with, each card has an affirmation on it, so you can pick a card either randomly or one that you are drawn too, then use that essential oil at the same time you have one of the musical brain tap sessions going, also while saying the affirmation related to that essential oil which is on the card in your head. So powerful, really gets you into the present moment, then beyond 😉by using the essential oil as well! 

⬆️Get Started With A Free 14-Day Trial ⬆️

Scan the QR code to go straight to Brain Tap and Jumpstart your brain fitness journey. Activate your brain's peak potential.

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Will you give Brain Tap a try? 

BrainTap is more than just a meditation tool—it's a comprehensive system that supports mental fitness and business success. By integrating BrainTap into your daily routine, you can enhance your focus, creativity, and resilience, making it easier to achieve your business goals and maintain a healthy work-life balance. I am a testament to its effectiveness, and I encourage you to explore its potential for yourself and your business.

Let me know how you get on!

Have a look also at all the other tools, apps and programs I use in my daily working life to keep productive and enjoy my days 👉 here!


The Fragrant Mind -Valerie Ann Worwood pg 289-290 Popular Essential Oils for Meditation


The experiences and benefits described in this post are based on my personal use of the BrainTap app and essential oils. Individual results may vary, and what works for me may not work for everyone. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Additionally, while I recommend BrainTap and essential oils as tools for enhancing business performance and mental well-being, it is important to do your own research and consult with professionals to determine what is best for your unique situation. Essential oils should be used with care, and it is advised to follow usage guidelines and consult with a qualified aromatherapist or healthcare provider, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have any medical conditions.


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